Monday, January 10, 2011

"Through the Tunnel" Prove Yourself Paragraph

  • The hardest obstacle in my life was when my team and I went into penalty kicks because it was a tie game. This was the hardest point of my life when I played soccer because I loved playing it because how I played with different people. When I played soccer people called me the comeback kid. When all of my teammates missed the the penalty kicks it was all up to me to win the game for them so when I was called up I was nervous at first but then I took a quick glance at my team and they were all crouching down holding hands and I knew that I had to make this goal for them because if I didn't alot of stuff could be blamed on me it was a do or die thing, at that moment the ref said kick when your ready I took two real deep breaths and I kicked the ball as hard as I could and the ball went right through the net and after that all I felt was all of my teammates jump on me I was happy and so were they because now we were going to the championship game and the was my hardest obstacle of my life.


  1. What was the score? I like your story. Good Job Aryon. :)

  2. Yay! I'm glad you made the kick. How long ago was this?

  3. I didn't know you played soccer.

  4. Good job Aryon, I like your story!

  5. Ha ha good job aryon but when did people start calling you the "Comeback kid".
