This fourth quarter I will try to keep up my grades so I can do sports that I really want to do because if I have bad grades then I won't be playing football or other kind of sports. This quarter I am trying to get at least a 3.0 it's going to be hard but I believe in myself that I can do it all it takes is nothing but hard work even If I have to stay up all night making up my work that is missing because I am turning into a junior and I got to be prepared for it because It's going to be harder than this Sophomores year. I set these goals because I know that I can accomplish anything that gets in my way because I want to go to a good college and play basketball because that's what I love to do is play basketball but before I'm a basketball player I am a student and I need to get my education. This Sophomore year has been fun and we got to look at our selves and say that it is almost our time to graduate
Aryon, please look over your work before posting it. There are a few run on sentences that can be fixed into complete sentences. :)